Chapter 84 The Rupture
25 Verses al-Inshiqaq الانشقاق
1 In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. When the sky has split [open] بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ إِذَا ٱلسَّمَآءُ ٱنشَقَّتْ
2 And has responded to its Lord and was obligated [to do so] وَأَذِنَتْ لِرَبِّهَا وَحُقَّتْ
3 And when the earth has been extended وَإِذَا ٱلْأَرْضُ مُدَّتْ
4 And has cast out that within it and relinquished [it] وَأَلْقَتْ مَا فِيهَا وَتَخَلَّتْ
5 And has responded to its Lord and was obligated [to do so] – وَأَذِنَتْ لِرَبِّهَا وَحُقَّتْ
6 O mankind, indeed you are laboring toward your Lord with [great] exertion and will meet it. يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْإِنسَـٰنُ إِنَّكَ كَادِحٌ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ كَدْحًا فَمُلَـٰقِيهِ
7 Then as for he who is given his record in his right hand, فَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِىَ كِتَـٰبَهُۥ بِيَمِينِهِۦ
8 He will be judged with an easy account فَسَوْفَ يُحَاسَبُ حِسَابًا يَسِيرًا
9 And return to his people in happiness. وَيَنقَلِبُ إِلَىٰٓ أَهْلِهِۦ مَسْرُورًا
10 But as for he who is given his record behind his back, وَأَمَّا مَنْ أُوتِىَ كِتَـٰبَهُۥ وَرَآءَ ظَهْرِهِۦ
11 He will cry out for destruction فَسَوْفَ يَدْعُوا۟ ثُبُورًا
12 And [enter to] burn in a Blaze. وَيَصْلَىٰ سَعِيرًا
13 Indeed, he had [once] been among his people in happiness; إِنَّهُۥ كَانَ فِىٓ أَهْلِهِۦ مَسْرُورًا
14 Indeed, he had thought he would never return [to Allah]. إِنَّهُۥ ظَنَّ أَن لَّن يَحُورَ
15 But yes! Indeed, his Lord was ever of him, Seeing. بَلَىٰٓ إِنَّ رَبَّهُۥ كَانَ بِهِۦ بَصِيرًا
16 So I swear by the twilight glow فَلَآ أُقْسِمُ بِٱلشَّفَقِ
17 And [by] the night and what it envelops وَٱلَّيْلِ وَمَا وَسَقَ
18 And [by] the moon when it becomes full وَٱلْقَمَرِ إِذَا ٱتَّسَقَ
19 [That] you will surely experience state after state. لَتَرْكَبُنَّ طَبَقًا عَن طَبَقٍ
20 So what is [the matter] with them [that] they do not believe, فَمَا لَهُمْ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ
21 And when the Qur’an is recited to them, they do not prostrate [to Allah]? وَإِذَا قُرِئَ عَلَيْهِمُ ٱلْقُرْءَانُ لَا يَسْجُدُونَ ۩
22 But those who have disbelieved deny, بَلِ ٱلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا۟ يُكَذِّبُونَ
23 And Allah is most knowing of what they keep within themselves. وَٱللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِمَا يُوعُونَ
24 So give them tidings of a painful punishment, فَبَشِّرْهُم بِعَذَابٍ أَلِيمٍ
25 Except for those who believe and do righteous deeds. For them is a reward uninterrupted. إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ وَعَمِلُوا۟ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ لَهُمْ أَجْرٌ غَيْرُ مَمْنُونٍۭ

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